CE-merkingar á vörum frá Kína – vefnámskeið 24. október


Á hverju ári lenda stór og smá innflutningsfyrirtæki í vandræðum og tjóni vegna ófullnægjandi CE-merkinga á vörum sem fluttar eru inn frá Kína. Séu merkingarnar og skjöl, sem að baki þeim liggja, ekki í lagi er vörunum ekki hleypt inn á íslenska markaðinn. Íslensk-kínverska viðskiptaráðið, Félag atvinnurekenda og kínverska sendiráðið efna til vefnámskeiðs á ensku miðvikudaginn 24. nóvember þar sem farið verður yfir grundvallaratriði sem þurfa að vera á hreinu við innflutning vöru, hvernig er hægt að forðast algeng mistök og hvernig leysa má úr ágreiningi á milli íslenskra innflytjenda og kínverskra birgja ef til hans kemur.

Um málið fjalla sérfræðingar frá Félagi atvinnurekenda, Vinnueftirlitinu, Sáttamiðlunarmiðstöð Alþjóðaviðskiptaráðs Kína (CCPIT), Viðskiptaráði Kína vegna inn- og útflutnings á vél- og rafeindabúnaði (CCCME) og Markaðseftirlitsstofnun Kína.

Námskeiðið fer fram á Zoom kl. 9-10.30 miðvikudaginn 24. nóvember. Skráning fer fram hér að neðan. Skráðir þátttakendur fá sendan Zoom-hlekk til þátttöku með góðum fyrirvara.


CE marking of products from China – how to get it right
A webinar held by the Icelandic Chinese Trade Council, The Icelandic Federation of Trade and The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Iceland

Every year, small and large importing companies encounter costs and inconveniences due to deficient CE markings of products imported from China. If the markings and documentation backing them up are not sufficient, the products are not allowed in the Icelandic market. The Icelandic-Chinese Trade Council, The Icelandic Federation of Trade and The Chinese Embassy in Iceland will hold a webinar in English on Wednesday 24 November to address the basics which must be right when importing products, how to avoid common mistakes and how eventual disputes between Icelandic importers and Chinese exporters might be solved.

Specialists addressing the issue come from The Icelandic Federation of Trade, The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health, The Mediation Centre of The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), The China Chamber for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products (CCCME) and The Chinese State Administration for Market Regulation.

The webinar will be held over Zoom at 9 to 10.30 on Wednesday 24 November. Registration below. Registered participants will be sent a Zoom link in good time.


9.00 Welcome
Mr. Ólafur Stephensen, Secretary General of The Icelandic Federation of Trade (FA) and The Icelandic Chinese Trade Council (ÍKV)
9.02-9.05 Opening remarks
Mr. CHEN Guisheng, Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of The People’s Republic of China in Iceland
Importers pay a high price for incorrect CE markings
Ms. Guðný Hjaltadóttir, lawyer, the Icelandic Federation of Trade (FA)
 9.10-9.30 CE marking:  Why – How – Who – When
Mr. Ágúst Ágústsson, specialist, Division of Safety and Technology, The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health (Vinnueftirlitið)
 9.30-9.40 How to Efficiently Prevent  and  Effectively Resolve Cross-Border Business Disputes
Ms. WANG Fang, Deputy Secretary General,Mediation centre of CCPIT (China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
 9.40-9.50 China Electric Bicycle CCC Certification and Cooperation Suggestions
Mr. GUAN Junwen, Deputy Director, Industrial Products Division, Market Certification Department, State Administration for Market Regulation
 9.50-10.00 Brief Introduction of CCCME
Mr. SUN Xiaohong,  Secretary General of Automobile Branch,CCCME (China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products)
 10.00-10.25  Q&A
 10.30  End of webinar


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