- Forsíða
- Icelandic Federation of Trade
Icelandic Federation of Trade

The Icelandic Federation of Trade represents companies at trade fairs in Europe, the United States, The Far East and throughout the world. It lobbies on behalf of its members, liaising with members of the Icelandic Government and negotiates with trade unions.
The Icelandic Federation of Trade offers business services, participates in trade promotions on behalf of its members and acts as a mediator by helping companies from abroad to link up with prospective business partners in Iceland.
The Icelandic Federation of Trade runs four bilateral trade councils:
– The Icelandic EU Trade Council
– The Icelandic Indian Trade Council
– The Icelandic Thai Trade Council – Presentation in English
The Icelandic Federation of Trade welcomes inquiries about import or export possibilities in Iceland. Requests from abroad from companies seeking a partner, agent or customers can be passed on to Federation members.
Contact information:
Address: Skeifunni 11, 108 Reykjavík Iceland
Phone: + 354 588 89 10
E-mail: ift@ift.is
Contact name: Ólafur Stephensen, Secretary General
E-mail: olafur@ift.is
Languages: English, Danish, Swedish, Icelandic