Indverskt-íslenskt viðskiptaþing 29. september


(English below)
Íslensk-indverska viðskiptaráðið, Íslandsstofa, Sendiráð Indlands og The Indo Icelandic Business Association efna til Indversk-íslensks viðskiptaþings föstudaginn 29. september kl. 9-13, í tilefni af komu fjölmennrar indverskrar viðskiptasendinefndar til landsins.

Í sendinefndinni eru fulltrúar fyrirtækja úr m.a. ferðaþjónustu, menntageiranum, kvikmyndaframleiðslu, heilbrigðisgeiranum, matar-, drykkjarvöru- og kryddframleiðslu, tísku, hönnun og textílframleiðslu, skartgripa- og minjagripaframleiðslu, menningu og listum, innflutningi sjávarafurða, orkuframleiðslu, lögfræði og fjármálageiranum.

Guðni Th. Jóhannesson forseti Íslands opnar þingið. Á meðal frummælenda, sem fjalla um tækifærin í viðskiptum Íslands og Indlands, verða Bala Kamallakharan hjá Startup Iceland, Edda Björk Ragnarsdóttir hjá Carbfix, Balasubramanian Shyam sendiherra Indlands, Þór Sigfússon hjá Sjávarklasanum, Jóhann Jóhannsson hjá Alvotech og Prasoon Dewan, formaður IIBA.

Í kaffihléum og hádegisverði gefst fulltrúum íslenskra og indverskra fyrirtækja kostur á að blanda geði og skapa tengsl. Þá verður sýning á margvíslegum vörum indverskra fyrirtækja, svo sem silki og textíl, skartgripum og fleiru.

Viðskiptaþingið verður haldið í Gullteigi á Grand Hótel Reykjavík. Boðið er upp á kaffiveitingar og hádegisverð. Sætafjöldi er takmarkaður og um að gera að skrá þátttöku sem fyrst. Þingið fer fram á ensku og er dagskráin hér að neðan.

Icelandic – Indian Business forum
The Icelandic Indian Trade Council, Business Iceland, The Embassy of India in Iceland and The Indo Icelandic Business Association invite you to an Icelandic-Indian Business Forum on Friday 29 September at 9 to 13, on the occasion of a visit of a large Indian business delegation to Iceland.

The delegation comprises business people from sectors such as travel, film, health, food, hard goods,
beverages and spices, fashion education, design and textiles, jewellery, ceremonial souvenirs & medals, cultural and arts, seafood imports, renewable energy, legal and finance.

President of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, opens the Forum. Speakers who will address
the opportunities in trade and business between the two countries include Bala
Kamallakharan from Startup Iceland, Edda Björk Ragnarsdóttir from Carbfix, Indian Ambassador
Balasubramanian Shyam, Þór Sigfússon from The Iceland Ocean Cluster, Jóhann
Jóhannsson from Alvotech and Prasoon Dewan from the Indo Icelandic Business Association.

During coffee breaks and lunch there will be ample
opportunities for Icelandic and Indian business people to mingle and connect.
There will be a display of samples of various products including silk and textiles, hard goods, jewelry, ceremonial souvenirs and more.

The Business Forum is held in Gullteigur at Grand Hótel Reykjavík. Participation includes lunch and other refreshments. Seating is limited so register below in good time.

Icelandic Indian Business Forum
Gullteigur, Grand Hotel Reykjavík, 29 September 2023

9.00 Introduction
Anisha Tomar, second secretary, Embassy of India, moderator

9.05 Opening address
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland

9.15 Address
Balasubramanian Shyam, Ambassador of India

9.25 Building bridges through Cricket- the story of building Iceland Cricket
Bala Kamallakharan, founder, Startup Iceland

9.45 Real time business and cultural opportunities between India and Iceland
Prasoon Dewan, chairman, Indo Icelandic Business Association

10.00 Coffee break

10.40 Carbfix – turning Co2 into stone
Edda Björk Ragnarsdóttir, business development manager, Carbfix

10.55 The blue economy in Iceland
Þór Sigfússon, founder and chairman, Iceland Ocean Cluster

11.10 The Alvotech story
Jóhann Jóhannsson, vice president Alvotech

11.25 Panel discussion
Bala Kamallakharan, Prasoon Dewan, Dr. Suninder Singh Arora, senior consultant and department head, Batra Hospital, Helgi Már Björgvinsson, CEO Office Partnerships & Corporate Affairs, Icelandair, and Manish Maheshwari, executive chairman, Invenire Energy.

12.00 Lunch

13.00 End of Business Forum

Nýjar fréttir

8. júlí 2024
